Protect your service station chocolates and confectionery from the heat and your internal store from forecourt glare with our see through Service Station Blinds.
Service Stations typically feature large spans of windows across the front of the building facing the forecourt. While some of the suns direct rays can be controlled by awnings, at certain points of the day the sunlight still enters at particular angles and glare from the forecourt is a nuisance issue you don’t want your staff and customers to experience.
Internally the windows along these walls are where chocolates and confectionery are featured. Heat and sunlight coming in through the windows can spoil the products and our Reflective Blinds are an essential tool you need to eliminate these issues in your store.
With our Australian weather conditions ever changing your blinds can be simply rolled away when the day is dark and overcast and easily rolled down on sunny or days of high glare.
While we have many different types of see through solar film to choose from, typically our service station customers will choose either a bronze or grey film.
If glare and heat are an issue at your service station, please contact us for a quote. As custom manufacturers we can tailor make to suit your measurements and requirements.