To keep this simple, we will talk of the two most significant mechanisms a Reflective Blind uses to insulate your window:
- Reflection to reduce solar heat gain, this is by far Reflective Blinds most powerful weapon. The sun gives off electromagnetic waves, and some of this energy we see as light or feel as warmth. These waves are travelling at 300,000 Km/second and plain window glass is 90% transparent to them. If you place a reflective surface in the path of these rays, you can change their direction by reflection. Compared with a conventional blind or curtain, a Reflective Blind is very reflective, so a large proportion of the sun’s rays are reflected back out of the window before they are converted into heat energy.
- A still air barrier to reduce heat transfer from the hot side to the cold side. A still air space can be a very effective method of insulation. A Reflective Blind creates a still air space between your room and the glass, this still air space, although not as effective as some bulk insulations, such as one of the foams, makes a significant contribution to the insulation of your room from the heat outside. Additional still air barriers created by your conventional blinds and curtains can add to this advantage. In the winter time, Reflective Blinds work to retain warmth, partially by creating a still air barrier, and partly by preventing the warm air circulating in your room from making contact with the cold glass, while still retaining your view.